Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We've Been Elfed!!

Miss Petty created an "Elf Yourself" dance for both classes. Click on the links below to see at our precious "elves" singing and dancing. It is too funny! Enjoy!

The Morning Class:

The Afternoon Class:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

These pictures are of the kids posing with the handprint tree that Mrs. Henderson's mom made. The holiday spirit is definitely in our classroom!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fall Fun!!

November was filled with many fun Fall activities. We played "Who took the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch?", "Turkey Toss", and "Pick a Pumpkin". We also "baked" some bread like the Little Red Hen. I hope you enjoy the pictures below of our fun Fall activities!

"Who stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch? _____ stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. Who me? Yes, you. Couldn't be. Then who?"

C.J. stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch!

William stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch!

Jordan stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch!

Delaney stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch!

Turkey Toss is played just like "Hot Potato". The children toss around the turkey. When the music stops, whoever is left with the stuffed turkey "is a turkey"!
Andrew is a turkey!!

Delaney is a turkey!!
Mrs. Henderson is a turkey!!

"Pick a pumpkin" is a game where the teachers hide pumpkins around the room and the students take turns going to find them. The students have to practice using their positional words to state where the pumpkin was found. The students got to hide the pumpkins one time for the teachers to go find. They were very good at finding and hiding the pumpkins!
Jordan found a pumpkin in the chair.

Andrew found a pumpkin on top of the stools.

C.J. found a pumpkin on the door handle.

Mrs. Henderson found a pumpkin under the train.

Everyone had so much fun baking bread like the Little Red Hen!

Zyquez got to pour in the flour.

Will added the salt.

Mrs. Glenn proudly presents the morning class' freshly baked bread!

I think Andrew enjoyed his piece of bread!

Jordan enjoyed stiring the mixture.

C.J. helped crack the eggs.

William helped stir.

Mrs. Glenn proudly presents the afternoon class' bread!

November was a very busy, but fun-filled month!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Little Red Hen Field Trip- A.M. Class

Our classes got the opportunity to go on field trips this week to see the play "The Little Red Hen". The morning class went on their trip on Thursday. Everyone enjoyed the play. "The Little Red Hen" will be our book study for November. The play was a great introduction to this unit.

Our class anxiously waiting on the play to begin

Everyone enjoying their Chick-fil-A lunch at Falls Park

Will enjoying his big cookie

Andrew also enjoyed his cookie

Our precious boys: Andrew, Will and Zyquez

Will and John
Thanks to The Peace Center and Chick-fil-A for such a great field trip!

The Little Red Hen Field Trip- P.M. Group

Our afternoon class took their field trip first on Monday. They were so well behaved and loved the play. We cannot wait to go on another trip in the spring!

Our class waiting on the play to begin

The Little Red Hen's Barn

The Little Red Hen
(Sorry the picture is so fuzzy. Flash photography was not allowed.)
Mrs. Henderson and Ms. Cameron's Classes at Falls Park

Delaney enjoying her Chick-fil-A lunch

C.J. enjoying his big cookie for dessert

Jordan had a great time!

What a great trip!!

Pumpkin Carving!!

During our celebration of the fall season, we decided to carve pumpkins. The kids loved this fun activity! Enjoy the pictures!

C.J. and Zyquez getting the seeds out of the pumpkin.

The boys decided that the pumpkin should have triangle eyes, a circle nose, and a happy mouth.

They were very proud of their pumpkin!

The afternoon class also got to carve a pumpkin.
Mrs. Glenn helped us get the top off of our pumpkin.

Jeffry and Delaney were not afraid to get their hands dirty!

The kids were imitating their "surprised" pumpkin:)
Our finished products!
Happy Fall!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our Class

Finally Mrs. Henderson found out how to post pictures! So here are our precious students! We are so proud of them and all of the wonderful progress that they have already made this year!
This is our morning class: Will, Andrew, C.J. and Zyquez

This is our afternoon class: Jordan, Jeffry, C.J. and Delaney