Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PM Class Field Trip to the Zoo

Last Wednesday it was the afternoon class' turn to go to the zoo. Only Tony and Jordan got to make the trip, but we had a blast with the kids from Ms. Cameron's class.

Tony had fun playing on the playground.

Jordan did too!

Tony loved the Vietnamese pig.

Jordan tried to kiss the goats!

Albino snake

Apology and AM Field Trip to Greenville Zoo

First off let me apologize for my extended absence from the blogging world. IEP season blew into town in March, and I have not been able to come up for air since. I love my job, but I could do without all of the paperwork that comes with it. Thank you for your patience!

Two weeks ago we took our morning class on a field trip to Greenville Zoo. We had a wonderful time looking at the animals! The kids had so much fun playing on the awesome playground as well. We also attended an educational program where we got to touch a few animals and then the kids got to move around like each animal. We must thank all of the parents that accompanied us on this trip. It would not have been as much fun without you guys! Fun was definitely had by all! Enjoy the pictures below!

On the bus and ready to go!!

Playing on the really cool playground before the zoo opens

Listening to safety rules before our educational program begins and they bring out the animals!

Our kids were really brave!

This picture looks like Will and the snake are getting ready to kiss!!

Moving like a snake

We had a wonderful time at the zoo!