Monday, October 31, 2011

Nivens Apple Farm 2011

To celebrate the fall season, we took our morning class to Niven's Apple Farm to pick apples and a pumpkin!
Amanda and Salina on the bus ready to go!
When we first got there, we jumped on the hay ride! Jacob and his mom seemed to be enjoying the ride.
So were Salina and her Uncle Jason!
Tony and Tyler looking at all of the sights on the farm.
Mrs. Glenn and Carter
All of our cute kiddos after the fun ride around the farm
Next, we went to look at all of the animals on the farm.

We also took some time to play!
Then we went into the store to look at the chicks and the bees.
Enjoying some apple cider

Salina picked a great pumpkin!
We had so much fun on our first field trip of the year! We look forward to many more fun learning experiences!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Walk to School Day 2011

Last Wednesday morning, our school celebrated "Walk to School Day". This day lets our children get a "feel" for what it was like for students who used to have to walk to school on a daily basis. It also encourages our students to engage in physical fitness each and every day.
Our crew getting ready to walk!
Salina and Amanda were our first banner holders.
Then, it was Jacob and Tony's turn.
After our walk, we all enjoyed some yummy popsicles!

Carter REALLY enjoyed his popsicle!
We all had a lot of fun exercising and celebrating "Walk to School Day"!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome Fall!

Last Friday, we celebrated the start of October and the end of our unit on apples by making apple pie!We started by spreading out our dough. (Grands Biscuit dough)

We then spooned out apple pie filling.
Lastly, we sprinkled on mild cheddar cheese.
Ready to go into the oven!
The finished product! The picture does not do it justice! The pies were so good!

Tony enjoyed picking the cheese off of his pie.
Carter thought it was yummy!
So did Salina!Amanda ate her whole pie!
Our afternoon guys also made apple pies to celebrate fall!

Tyler did a great job making his pie!

Happy Fall everyone!!