Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Polar Express Day and Christmas Celebrations

I am sorry this post is so late. The holidays were so busy, but I hope everyone had a great break. Here are some pictures from the last day before the Winter Holidays. We had our "Polar Express Day" and our Christmas celebrations all on this day! It was so much fun.
We started out by watching some of the movie "The Polar Express".
Then we had a guest "train conductor" come to our door. He blew his whistle and called "All aboard!" We followed him to our make believe train.
He punched our golden tickets as we boarded the train.

Layla has her ticket punched!
Then our conductor, Mr. Henderson, read us "The Polar Express" book.

At the end of the book, we sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and look who appeared!!
We sang Christmas carols together. Who knew Santa could play the piano?
Mrs. Claus came too!
Max didn't know what to think!
Carter was enjoying every minute!
Then all of the kids got to go get their picture made with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Carter went first.
Salina and her brother, Christopher, with Santa and Mrs. Claus
Layla went next
Max was so excited to see Santa.
So was Jacob
Tony wasn't so sure, but he sat on St. Nick's lap anyways.
After we all saw Santa, we returned to our class for our Christmas celebration.

Present time!

Ready to go home for the holidays! We had such a fun, special day! We can't wait to do it again next year!