Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Celebrations

This week was a very busy week! We celebrated Red Ribbon Week and finished the week with "Fall Celebrations"! Everyone seemed to have a great time!
Happy Fall, Ya'll
To end Red Ribbon Week, the PTO rented a couple of really cool inflatables. The kids had so much fun!

Amanda had a great time
So did Jordan!
We thought our kids would be too small to climb the big slide, but we were wrong! They loved it and kept sliding over and over!

Then it was time to party! I think Salina enjoyed her cupcake!

Amanda just wanted the icing
Tony joined in on the fun
Happy Fall Everyone!


  1. I love the party - you look like you all had a blast!

  2. Mrs. Henderson,
    Thank you for posting all of these wonderful pictures. I am going to make Andrew a scrapbook of his pictures for Christmas. :)

  3. I enjoyed looking at all of the activities that the students participated in last year. I pray that this second half of the school year will be just as rewarding.
